Petr Zuska Navigaton

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A Little Touch of the Last Extreme

  • Choreography: Petr Zuska
  • Music: Arvö Pärt, James Brown, Gavin Bryars, Adrian Johnston, Dan Jones, Nikos Grapsas, Ondráš, Michael Jackson
  • Sets: Jan Dušek
  • Costumes: Lucie Loosová
  • Light design: Pavel Kremlík, Petr Zuska
  • Duration: 30 min.
  • Number of dancers: 10
  • World premiere: 17. 6. 2009 - Czech National Ballet

The surrealistic choreography deals with the most fundamental essence of human existence. The deliberately unspecified male characters find themselves in certain phases of life (working age, between childhood and old age). One of the key subjects the production focuses on is the matter of life and death. The two extremes, or the extreme moments of life, are represented by an old man and a toddler. Another plane emphasised in the production is dualism, which pertains to the male and female principles present in each and every person, the male and female traits inherent to every one of us. Even though the protagonists are clad in male costumes, primarily conceived as men, two of them stand out, being purely abstract characters, representing the yin/yang polarity, the light and the dark, the female and the male aspects.

Foto: Pavel Hejný, Hana Smejkalová